Cloud Ptr: a point cloud to be segmented
Camera Intrinsic: camera intrinsic parameter used for RGBD segmentation
RGB Pointer: RGB image to be segmented
preSegmRGB: rgb image before segmentation
postSegmDepth: depth image of the scene after segmentation
postSegmPCA: image showing PCA of the scene cluster
postSegmRGB: rgb image after segmentation
results: a vector of segments, each containing a mask image of the size of the scene image, showing which points belong to this segment
Basic Downsample: Level of downsampling when doing segmentation
Segmentation Parameters
Basic Weight Threshold: how much different between the adjacent points to be considered as different segment. Default Value is 50, range is [0,100].
Basic Min Size: minimum size of each segment. Default value is 50, range is [0,100].
Max Segment Size: Maximum size of the segment, segment greater than this will be removed. Default value is 100, range is [0,100].
Min Segment Size: Minimum size of the segment, segment greater than this will be removed. Default value is 0, range is [0,100].
Max Distance to Camera: Maximum distance of points in segment to camera, segment with points further than this distance will be removed. Off by default. Distance unit is millimeter
Use Nan Removal: remove segment with more than 75% of the points invalid, if turned on.